3rd Grade Program Practice Page

Concert: Thursday, November 10

If possible, please wear a Red, White or Blue top with jeans or khakis.

Arrive at the school at 5:30 pm. Meet in the music room (256).

Song 1: The National Anthem

Song 2: Stars and Stripes Forever

Be sure to practice being still (standing at attention and looking straight ahead) during the parts where you don't have movements.

Drummers should hold the sticks together parallel to the floor.

Plates should be held at the level of your belly or just below.

Song 3: God Bless America

We will not do this version in concert. I just really like it and I want you to hear what good musicians can do to change the way a piece of music sounds.

Song 4: Thank You Soldiers

Song 5: This Land Is Your Land

This land is your land * This land is my land

From the California to the New York island

From the redwood forests * To the gulf stream waters

This land was made for you and me.

As I went walking that ribbon of highway

I saw above me that endless skyway

I saw below me that golden valley

This land was made for you and me

This land is your land * This land is my land

From the California to the New York island

From the redwood forests * To the gulf stream waters

This land was made for you and me.

I rode and rambled and I followed my footsteps

Through the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts

While all around me a voice was sounding

This land was made for you and me

Esta tierra es tuya * esta tierra es mia

desde california hasta nueva york

desde las montanas, costas, rios y valles

Esta tierra es para ti y para mi

empiezo el viaje * en este camino

dejo atrás los cerros * bajo un cielo azul,

montes y llonas rodean mis pasos

Esta tierra es para ti y para mi

Esta tierra es tuya (this land is your land)

esta tierra es mia (this land is my land)

desde california (from California)

hasta nueva york (to the New York Island)

desde las montanas (from the Redwood forest)

costas, rios y valles (to the Gulf Stream waters)

This Land Is Made For You and Me